Publication date: 16/12/2021
Name | Role |
Examining board:
Name | Role |
STELA MARIS SANMARTIN | Internal Examiner * |
Summary: This exploratory-descriptive research has as object of this research the mapping of part of the cemetery sculptures in the cemetery of Santo Antônio, Vitória - ES. The study is justified by the almost inexistence of academic studies on cemetery art in Espírito Santo, especially on its largest cemetery in the traditional model, inaugurated in 1912. In its six floors, it gathers important sculptural works, but for this research we limited ourselves to studying the first floor. We sought, with the support of IPHAN`s SICg methodology, to inventory these sculptures as part of the material goods that constitute Espírito Santo`s sculptural culture, especially in the period between its inauguration and the 1980s; thus, we seek to understand the presences and recurrences, in order to draw a profile of cemetery art and its correlation with Espirito Santo public art, while tracing a history of the formation of this cemetery and highlighting its role in Espirito Santo culture. The study was based on theoretical reflections on public art, monuments and, certainly on studies on cemetery art in Brazil, with the intention of laying the foundations for the history of funeral art in Espírito Santo from its largest cemetery. In order to highlight the cultural role of these works, after mapping, we began an iconographic study that aimed to identify the main forms, themes and traces of Espírito Santo`s cemetery art. Another issue raised refers to the conservation and preservation of these pieces, considering the processes of depredations and thefts that occur at the site with irreparable damage to the Espírito Santo memory, revealing the fragility of public policies for the preservation of its urban furniture, especially its monuments.
Key words: Funerary Monuments, Cemetery Art and Public Art.