Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 03/04/2019

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Summary: This dissertation has as main theme the study of the shadow color in the work Escrita, from Ricardo Carioba. The research retakes the shadow thematic since its beginnings, passing through the myths, theories and concepts that led this phenomenon to contribute in scientific and mathematical discoveries, in special for geometry. However, the metaphysical questions which involve the shadow and its hard reproducibility kept it apart from the artistic movement. The resumption of this phenomenon in the arts happens in the Renaissance, with the study of the shadow as auxiliary object to perception. At the same time, the physical studies of light and color increase, in function of the new findings and their applicabilities, relegating the shadow for a study more timid. The studies of professors Roberto Casati and Michael Baxandall was the reference in much of the research about the phenomena of color, light and shadow, to compose repertoire for the analysis of Carioba´s works, with evidence in the shadow element in Escrita installation. Being the shadow a natural phenomenon and devoid of empirical interest, the scientists have accepted its variations and specificities to make it a curious spectacle and get the adherence of the spectator to their formal learning. Some contemporary artists have appropriated this evidences to compose the poetics of their works. The tecnology, another ally in contemporary times, will be analyzed to expose the new types of conception, distribution and capture of the artistic object, in special in the Carioba´s work. The artist understand and explore the visual eletronic equipament, exhibiting in an extended way the phenomena of light and color, events that originates the formation of digital and analogical images. At end, all the theories listed in the course of the work provided the basis for scientific and poetic understanding of Escrita installation, the fascinating colorful shadow.
Keywords: Ricardo Carioba. Colorful shadows. Interactivity.

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