Title: Doctor
Research groups: CNPq (Google Translator version)
Curriculum: https://lattes.cnpq.br/6252535690546666
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000000168643553

Participation in projects:

Title Starting datesort ascending Deadline (months) Participation in the project
02/01/2014 24 Coordinator *
01/12/2011 24 Coordinator *
05/08/2011 24 Coordinator *
05/05/2011 24 Coordinator *
20/12/2009 24 Coordinator *


Participants in examination boards:

Title Name Defense datesort ascending Course
Considerations on the concept of Void in the artistic production of artists Waltercio Caldas and Gordon Matta-Clark DARIO IVAN RAMIREZ PEDRAZA 25/08/2017 MA in Arts
MATERIALITY AND CONFLICT: visions about corporallity and the artistic object by three Latin american artists. Janine Antoni, Teresa Margolles and Doris Salcedo MONICA ELISA CONTRERAS GODINEZ 09/05/2017 MA in Arts
Social practice: another ways to be an artist PIATAN LUBE MOREIRA 06/12/2016 MA in Arts
TRANSLATION AS SITE SPECIFIC: a look over the works Juntamentz, by Raquel Garbelotti, and On Translation, by Antoni Muntadas PÓLEN PEREIRA SARTÓRIO 23/09/2016 MA in Arts


Disciplines taught:

Academic termsort ascending Code Name Hours Course
2024/2 PPGA0215 Internship in Education 60 MA in Arts
2024/1 PPGA0220 Special Topics I 60 MA in Arts
2024/1 PPGA0215 Internship in Education 60 MA in Arts
2023/2 PPGA0215 Internship in Education 60 MA in Arts
2023/1 PPGA0220 Special Topics I 60 MA in Arts


Guided Students:

Name Title Defense datesort ascending Role Type
JOÃO VICTOR SILVA FERNANDES 04/10/2024 Advisor Academic master's dissertation
RAFAEL GONÇALVES MAROTTO 20/06/2024 Advisor Academic master's dissertation
FABÍOLA FRAGA NUNES 24/04/2024 Advisor Academic master's dissertation
MILENA DOS SANTOS KOHLER 10/10/2023 Advisor Academic master's dissertation
ELOIZA COMÉRIO 09/10/2023 Advisor Academic master's dissertation


Transparência Pública
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